Post-secondary planning – Is it that time already?

Post-secondary Planning for the future.
Choices. decisions. What is next?

Encouraging Ontario students to start thinking about post-secondary planning and applications which happen in January seems silly in the lazy days of summer. Post-secondary planning means talking about options and choices as they relate to your personality, interests and strengths.  Planning for college and university is important if not essential.

Many of us, and by that I mean grownups, fell into our careers.  Some of us knew what we wanted to do, but many of us did not.  With the increasing cost of post-secondary education a little planning can go along way.

Here are some benefits of post-secondary planning that you may not have thought about:

  • Everyone gets calmer.  Students and parents feel better.
  • Increased discussion about post-secondary schools happens.
  • Increased awareness about alternative career options.
  • Increased awareness about unique and different programs.
  • A better understanding of self and how it relates to careers and program options.
  • Increased confidence about starting the next phase of life.

If you or your son or daughter would like to explore options for post-secondary with a qualified third party, contact Annette at or click here or call 905-520-5859.  Listening. Guiding. Caring.