Things are tough right now. Everything is expensive. Everyone is concerned about their finances. People are worried about losing their jobs. People are worried about losing their homes. What are you concerned about right now? In all of this concern about the economy do you hear people saying they are concerned about their mental health?
How Can I Protect My Mental Health?
Develop a routine – During stressful times a routine can help keep us grounded in the present moment. Planning a regular routine will help manage stress and help you to not shut down in front of video games, television or social media. For those of you that shudder at the thought of planning anything in a schedule, I encourage you to use basic lists to help you develop goals for yourself each day.
Limit new exposure – Listening to the news, while important, can increase stress. Try to stay informed without exposing yourself to too much information, especially before you go to bed.
Self-care – The standard suggestions of exercise, eating properly and sleep are a start. Do what makes you feel good and not just good in the moment. Exercise can feel not so good in the moment, but no one ever regrets going for that walk, going to the gym, or riding that bike.
Support network – You know who your support people are, so use them. Talk to friends, family and colleagues. Don’t just focus on what is not good in the world. Spend time practicing gratitude and pay attention to the positives as well.
Set boundaries – Set some boundaries around your time. For example, working to the point of exhaustion and sickness is not helpful. Spend less time with the things or people that drain your energy and more time doing things that raise your energy.
Be mindful – Take time to practice mindfulness. This can be part of the routine mentioned earlier. Use an app. Be in the moment. Notice the small things and feel grateful for them.
If your mental health is not where you would like it to be, I encourage you to connect with a psychotherapist. Click if you would like to connect with me. I offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation. Click if you would like to book an appointment. You are not alone!
Listening. Guiding. Caring.