New Year’s Resolutions: Yes or No?

The end of 2021 is quickly approaching and the holiday season is almost upon us.

It is often useful to reflect on the year past and the year ahead. For some, making a New Year’s resolution on December 31st is a tradition. For others, they do not bother as it is an experience which finds them feeling worse because they fail at reaching their goals. In many cases resolutions are unobtainable because they are not realistic or timely or achievable. So what does that leave? How can you mark the start of a new year?

Recently I received an email quite unexpectedly about planning for 2022. YearCompass outlines a thoughtful way to review last year and plan for next year. Not in the typical resolution way like “I am going to lose 30 lbs this year or I will exercise everyday”.

A New Way to Plan for a New Year

YearCompass asks you to think about the past year:

  • What do you have to say about your friends, family, career, and physical and mental health?
  • What was the wisest decision you made? biggest lesson learned? biggest risk? and so on.

You are invited to consider what you are proudest of, and who influenced you the most, and who you influenced the most. This thoughtful activity also encourages you to think about the biggest accomplishments and the biggest challenges of the year. Add in something about gratitude, forgiveness and saying goodbye to last year, and you will have started the process of welcoming the new year.

Magical Ways to Set Goals for 2022

Once you have said goodbye to 2021 you are encouraged to dream about 2022. Think about what you would like to accomplish in all areas of your life. Set goals in a thoughtful and meaningful way. YearCompass encourages you think about magical triplets for the year ahead. What are magical triplets? I encourage you to read more from the workbook. I am particularly excited about:

  • three things you will love about yourself
  • and three things you will dare to discover

But there are more triplets than just these. Thinking about when you will say no, and when you will say yes to things in your life is interesting as well.

One Last Thing… A Secret Wish

YearCompass has you pick a word for the year ahead and asks you to list one secret wish.

My word for the year ahead is HOPE. And my one (not so secret) wish is for everyone to be more kind to themselves and each other.

Wishing you all the best over the holiday season.

Listening. Guiding. Caring.