Narcissists – Do you know one?

The term narcissist is tossed around in popular culture on a regular basis.  When you look around at the people in your life do you wonder about narcissism and what to do about it?  There are some obvious signs that you are involved with a narcissist.  Below are some qualities of this disorder:




  • lying, cheating and manipulating to meet their needs
  • a lack of understanding of the needs and feelings of others
  • having a great sense of self-importance based on their non-existent unique talents or attractiveness
  • bragging about their accomplishments to the point of lying
  • requiring constant admiration and special treatment or wanting to be feared or notorious
  • being arrogant or behaving in a haughty manner and a belief that they are invincible and above the law
  • envious of others and seeking to destroy people or things that are frustrating to them

If you are in a relationship of any kind with a narcissist you may feel it, but not know what is happening.  For example, the narcissist may be loving and attentive one moment and the next they are insulting, controlling and demanding.  The narcissist will lie to the point that you feel like you are losing your mind.  Stories are told to make you fearful.  You may wonder when they will fly off the handle or next give you the silent treatment.  The narcissist expects complete compliance with their demands including sexually.  Sex is a tool they use to get what they want and they will use it to control you.  Their is no intimacy and connection.  They want your attention positive or negative.    A relationship with a narcissist is a roller-coaster ride from hell.  Getting off and staying off the ride is challenging.

Getting away is not easy.  No contact is the only way to go, but how do you do that if there are reasons to stay involved.  If you implement no contact with the narcissist please realize that you likely have already been replaced.  A narcissist needs someone to meet their needs.  If you have to stay involved because of children then learning to not react is going to have to be the strategy.  You do not want to continue to be the person who supplies them with your anger or fear.  If you think you might need help please contact Annette Poechman here or call 905-520-5859.  Listening. Guiding. Caring.